Monday, September 19, 2011

I've Decided To Enjoy My Life!

So this post is kind of on the coat tale of the oh so fabulous Sunshine! Now I have been raised in the church since I was a little wee one. Even though now at the tender age of 23 I admit I don't go to church like I should. However my years of church has embedded in me that God has my life planned out and is in complete control of it. On top of that he does allow me the free will to make my own decision and uses those decisions I make as a direction to accomplish his will for my life. That being said I actually have to make decisions and be proactive in my life. God doesn't want me just sitting in the house being miserable talking about how my life isn"t going anywhere. God cant place someone in my path to bless me if I spend all my time behind closed doors.
So I'm taking a tip from Sunshine and enjoying my life. That was the whole point of me reading the Artist's Way. Which by the way I have completely abandoned but do plan to eventually start reading again. It's so crazy though how time passes by so fast ad I seem to be so busy but end up accomplishing absolutely nothing. It seems like I spend all my time doing things I like and not things that I love. So I'm going to slowly start incorporating some of the Artist's Way principles back in my life. The funny thing about that is the hardest thing about the Artist's Way way was the artist date. I could do everything but that it was insane how diffucult it was for me to take myself on date it's so crazy.
Anyway today I decided or rather my mother decided to treat me to a spinach and artichoke souffle from Panera. OMG! This was my first souffle ever and I am so in love!

I have so much more to post, but I promised myself to devote some time to my songs I've been writing. So I will definitely be posting again very soon! I have so much to say I can barely hold it in. Anyway as always peace, love, and blessings!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Quick Hair Update

So I haven't been devoting as much time to my hair in my last few post as I should be. Not that this is going to be a significant post either. I Had attempted to do a length check last week before I washed my hair. The pictures didn't turn out like I wanted so I eventually gave up. I can say my hair is to my collarbone. So that is exciting. This year alone has passed so fast that I will be 2years natural in no time.
I had been wearing a sew in for about a month so I could leave my hair alone. It was getting to the point that I was getting scissor happy with my hair. I has grown quite a bit. Unfortunately my patience is thin after the sew in so instead of letting my hair condition over night I tried to detangle right away and ended up trimming a portion of my crown off. Now that my hair has gotten longer I can no longer wash and go like I used too. I can still wash and go technically but due to the length of my hair I need to find a new technique.
These last two weeks I have been doing two strand twist. Which was my go to style before my sew in. I used to fluff my hair when I took the twist out, now I just let the twist be. I haven"t really adjusted my regimen since my hair got longer so that is something I need to do asap. I've just been winging it, but I don't think my hair cares for that too much. That's what I need to do this week, work on my regimen and try to find some new styles to try.
My original plan was after I took the sew in out to get my hair pressed. Now I think I should wait for the new year. Plus I "plan" to get my hair colored a reddish tone whenever I builed up the courage to do it.

Anyway that is it for now so Peace, Love, & Blessings as always!

Monday, September 5, 2011

My life is insanity..but nothing has changed.

I always say I'm going to write more every time I make a post. I'm not even going to lie anymore. i want to post more, but I don"t know what the future holds for me.

Anyway lets get into it. I seriously was going to post an update 2 weeks ago but my Blackberry was not having it. I just had this random though the other day after looking on my facebook. My old bestie was talking about how she was going to sacrifice her dream to so she could better provide for her children. Which is totally understandable. I was just wondering though is it better to sacrifice your dream for a financially stable life that makes you miserable. On the other hand wouldn't a parent want their children to pursue their dreams no matter what as opposed to giving them up. I truly believe if you follow your dreams the money will come to you as opposed to you chasing money. Just wondering.

On the other hand let me get back to my life. So for a year I have been saving up money so I could move to California. I've also been looking for jobs and applying like crazy. Unfortunately I have yet to find anything. I have been quite discouraged about that. I have been trying so hard and nothing is happened. Then I start to think maybe I should stay here, but everything here is pushing me a way. I decided to stop looking for work about 2 months ago and take a break to figure out what I really need to do. Between work and family driving me crazy all I really want to do is leave as soon as possible. I see so many people who have given up on their dreams here and I don't want to be like that. Just existing not truly living and enjoying life. I hope to be an inspiration to people in my family to wake up and live life. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not this will be the only time in this specific life that we have to get it right. So I am trying my best to keep my self afloat because I can't waste my life regretting that I didn't live my life the way I want to.

Anyway that is it for now. As always peace, love, and blessings!