Sunday, June 26, 2011


Okay I didn't write in the time frame I said i would, but I'm trying. I've been trying to keep myself occupied and just seemed to have failed at time management. I mean don't get me wrong I get to work on time. I get there so early i usually make coffee and have time to fix myself a bowl of oatmeal. Which oatmeal leads me to the title of this post. I've been compiling just a few things I've become obsessed with lately.

1. Coffee Ice Cream


I first had this in 6'th grade at my best friend's house at the time. It was so good. I didn't particularly care for coffee at the time either. Now I love coffee. I don't allow myself to drink it much because it can be habit forming. So this is how I get my fix on off days. Even though I did eat this twice last week before bed and had no problem sleeping. I think they may use decaffinated coffee. Plus if you like Frappe's this is a way cheaper alternative. You get like 10 times the serving and it basically tastes the same to me.

2. Doritos Flamas


I had been seeing these at the store but never picked up a bag to try until about 2 weeks ago from Walgreens. The lime was really the only reason I got them. I'm not really crazy about hot chips. They are good but they don't make me jump for joy. So yeah these bad boys are hot. They are so good though I couldn't just eat one. First the heat gets you and at the end you taste the hint of lime. They are soooo good!!!

3. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
By: Stieg Larsson


I know this book is extremely popular right now. I hate to say that I fell into the hype and hopped on the bandwagon. I originally started reading this book about 3 or 4 months ago. I originally purchased the digital copy for my reader, but since no electronics are allowed on the floor at my job I had to get a physical book as well. So I read a few chapters and finally gave up. It's a really good book but totally different from what I usually read. Then I went to the movies to see X-Men First class and I saw the movie trailer. For some reason it got me pumped up to read the book again. So everyday I try to squeeze in a few pages. It's worth all the hype you just have to keep reading!

4. The Little Things(They Are Actually Huge If You Pay Attention)




Life will pass you by if you don't pay attention. I don't remember where I got that from but it is so true. Life is full of beautiful things. Some times we just have to stop and marvel at all the amazing things God has put on this earth. It is so easy to get caught up in things that are superficial. I've been trying my best to thank God for all he has created by actually acknowledging it. These are just a few pictures that my camera phone did no justice in capturing their beauty. Lately the sky here has been so beautiful. Just a few days ago there was a beautiful red moon in the sky. I just had to marvel at it's beauty. My phone felt it was the perfect time to shut off and refused to take a picture though.

So that is what I'm obsessed with now. Pretty soon I will be obsessed with the new season of True Blood that starts in a few hours. So let me get some reading in before it gets to late! As always peace, love, and blessings!!!

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